Paper a playing a part

Fundació Antoni Tàpies

Paper a playing a part in Fundació Antoni Tàpies with Enric Farrés Duran and Vista Oral. Thursday, November 5th, 2017 6.30 pm

We meet Enric Farrés Duran in the Library of the Fundació Tàpies, in search of the only paper still to be destroyed from Los Papeles del Siglo.

The library is a good place where showing some of the mysteries that accompanied this project and meet the publication USELESS#2: ENRIC FARRÉS DURAN. PAPER PLAYING A PART , this is one of the results of Enric Farrés and Vista Oral trip to Los Angeles during April 2017. The publication –along with the exhibition that formed part of– is another turn of the screw to Los papeles del Siglo project.

This publication —the second one published by Folleto— acts as a surprise envelope and keeps playing —as well as the exhibition Paper Playing a Part— with expectation. The publication, designed by  Eloi Gimeno, collects Enric’s story through Vista Oral writing filter. It dismantles and return it to its origin place: the books.